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Splendor Passion Magnet Coil Flywheel Assembly Hero Genuine Parts

Splendor Passion Magnet Coil Assembly

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Splendor Passion Magnet Coil Flywheel Assembly Hero Genuine Parts

Pack consists of 1 Magnet Coil Flywheel Assembly

Product Description

Brand Hero Genuine Parts / Varroc / INEL
Suitable Vehicle Splendor / Passion
Grooves Present Yes
Coil Type Magnet and Coil (Assembly Type)
Number of  Pins 4 Pins
Number of Wires 1 Wire
Socket Color White

About This Product

A Magnet Coil Flywheel Assembly typically refers to a part used in engines or electrical generators. It consists of a flywheel (a heavy rotating disk) and a set of magnet coils (electromagnets or permanent magnets), which play key roles in either storing rotational energy or generating electrical power. Here’s a breakdown of its components and functions:

  1. Flywheel:

    • A heavy, rotating disc that stores kinetic energy during the engine’s operation.
    • Helps to smooth out fluctuations in the engine’s speed and keeps the engine running smoothly by storing rotational energy when the engine is producing excess power, and releasing it when power is needed to maintain consistent speed.
  2. Magnet Coils:

    • These are electromagnetic components that can either generate or interact with a magnetic field.
    • In a generator or alternator setup, magnet coils can be used to convert rotational energy (from the flywheel) into electrical energy by inducing an electric current when the magnetic field interacts with the coils.
  3. Assembly:

    • The flywheel and magnet coils work in conjunction to perform the task of energy conversion or stabilization.
    • In automotive applications, for example, the assembly may help in starting the engine, charging the battery, or assisting with engine management by controlling ignition timing.

In some applications, like in hybrid or electric vehicles, these assemblies are also used to recover kinetic energy during braking (via regenerative braking systems). In other setups, like in traditional combustion engines or generators, they help manage the flow of power and contribute to efficiency.

If you’re working on or designing a specific device that involves this kind of assembly, let me know! I can help with further details or technical explanations.

Part Number – 31100KCC900S

Coil Flywheel Assembly , Hero Stator Component

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 3 cm


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